Despite our record breaking heat this summer, your native garden should still be looking good. This summer I watered my established gardens (those plantings over one year) only during weeks with no rain and am amazed with their capacity to endure the heat. The hoary skullcap, oxeye daisy, and rattlesnake master pictured above are all thriving in full sun and full heat. Native plants are truly low maintenance - and look at the variety of shapes and colors they come in! Our foragers, the bees, flies, butterflies and moths are also out despite the heat but please consider providing a water source for them if there is none. A shallow pan with a rock set someplace near your garden is a simple solution to provided water for our pollinators! I'm thrilled to be starting off my fall plant sales at Tomato Fest this August 24th. I'll have a selection of great native plants for sale and will be joined by Ava Freund to provide information on nurturing butterflies in your garden.